Atticus Review: “The All-in-One Writing and Formatting Tool for Indie Authors”
Atticus is considered by some as “a writing, editing, and formatting platform specifically designed to help you turn your words into a book.” If you are thinking, “There are lots of formatting programs already,” you’re right. You have already tried MS Word, Google Docs, WPS, etc. and are looking for just the perfect program.
Are you enjoying your search? Have you asked yourself, “Do I really want to spend time learning a new software?” Or, even more to the point, “Do I really want to format my own book and try to meet the printing and ebook publishing requirements, and pull it off as professionally produced?”
If you think you are ready to spend the time formatting your own book(s), be ready to be frustrated trying to interpret the instructions correctly, or when trying to follow along with endless YouTube videos. I’m just saying… even I, as a seasoned graphic designer, have tried that and will never again go through those headaches.
I would share a link to learn more about Atticus for formatting your own book but, from all the reviews I wouldn’t do that to you—you won’t like it. So when you’ve had enough trial and error, please do contact me. I’m happy to design and set up your book for publishing, and selling on Amazon or other bookstores or websites.
Erin –