What are the costs?
Our pricing is based on word count plus the unique needs of your book. Contact us to discuss and find the perfect fit for you!
Interior formatting for print and ebooks
The fees start at $.006/word. The fee for design and formatting of a final, fully-edited Word doc manuscript into a print-ready pdf file or ebook-ready epub file is calculated using the word count and assessing the complexity of the book. While the fee for an all text (i.e. narrative fiction) for an ebook is $.006/word, the fee for both ebook and print is $.009/word. The calculation for non-fiction books is based on $.011 for a print and ebook, also considers the number of pictures or graphic elements, tables, footnotes, bibliographies, index, etc. Contact us for a quote. We’ll send you our email address in order to send us a rough draft of your manuscript to determine the fee. Click here for “What’s Included”.
Cover design for print and ebooks
Book cover design can start at $160 for an ebook front cover. For both ebook and print-ready covers, custom designed and prepared according to your printing company specifications, the fee starts at $250. Click here for “What’s Included”. The author often provides the cover image. In all cases we have the author complete an interview or questionnaire to come up with the perfect cover for the genre, mood, and theme.
Additional costs or other services
Additional costs rarely arise but, once in awhile there is something else you need from our graphic designers, even editing or proofing. We give you an upfront quote and design agreement listing the services you request. See “What’s Included” in the links above, for interior and cover design. We are transparent in the costs to you, always letting you know in advance when the fee may go above the contract quote. Click here to “Learn more” about any possible additional costs.